Countdown to FOSJAM, Day 0
Lug Jaipur - FOSJAM
Day 0 15th May 2009
Countdown to FOSJAM
Nothing like the day, when you start it with installing fedora in hundreds of machines. Well today is that great day and preparations are are been give final touches. College laboratory machines are getting sleek fedora 10 (On college's request winblows have not been removed,though it got removed in some of the machines by the determined advocates of foss i.e. lugj members :)), xchat for using IRC during the event and loads of other cool features.
Machines getting an incarnation - fedora

Computer is laughing out loud, happy that it's finally getting freed.

Right now I am sitting on the server machine for the network installation, managed by Deependra singh. A meeting of the volunteers is also taking place in the lab making final decisions. Suddenly a pissed teacher marches into the lab shouting at why everyone missed his class for this stupid event, but looking at the rage in the eyes of the lug members and everyone else putting their heart and soul into the event, he quietly went out.
LUG members doing the job. Freeing computers and giving them and a new life

linuxguru doing the dirty job, fixing machines where network installation was not taking place.
College has given away to the monotonous, traditional education environment and has joined us for the freedom celebration called FOSJAM. Students can be seen interacting with lugj members (whenever they can get hold of one) discussing some related queries and getting acquainted a day before the showdown.

Cheesy moments during the installation ;) me, linuxguru and kapzi
please, can you resize your avatar for Planet Fedora? it is too big and make a mess of the page layout... use something no more than 128x128 px (many of the other avatars are 96x96 px). Ask if you need help with that.
Very interesting event...Now the computer lab is alive..
I wish if i could be there
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